
    NOTICE: The items on this list will be used during the regular school day. They may be brought from home on a voluntary basis, otherwise, they will be furnished by the school.


    The following is a list of school supplies that will be used in our classroom during the school year. Purchasing is optional, not mandatory.


    For Student/Classroom Use:

    • White paper sacks (5 1/8X 3 1/8X 10 5/8in)
    • Hot glue sticks (small)
    • Simple party favor toys or small items for class treasure chest. 
    • Page protectors.
    • Large Paper Plates
    • Hand Sanitizer
    • Velcro Dots
    • Finger Snack food items
      • Goldfish Crackers, pretzels, animal crackers, etc.
    • White Styrofoam Cups 8.5 oz
    • Clear Plastic Cups 9 oz


    Please make sure your child brings a backpack everyday to school (large enough to hold 9x12 papers and folders.

    I will be supplying pencil boxes, crayons, glue sticks, scissors, and pencils. 

    Please keep any cute folders, pencils, etc at home to use for fun. In order to help keep things easy, we will all use the same materials here in the classroom.