Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: Does the Principal have to approve all open enrollment applications?
Answer: If there are slots available, and the student does not have any behavioral issues defined in the policy which would preclude enrollment, the Principal must accept the application.
Question 2: What are the behavioral issues that may be grounds for denial of an application?
Answer: Applications may not be approved if the student has committed serious infractions of school rules or the law, or is guilty of chronic misbehavior, which if it were to continue, would endanger or disrupt people or property; or which would place unreasonable burdens on school staff. The Principal may consider provisional enrollment of such students with conditions for continued enrollment.
Question 3: Does the student have to re-apply every year?
Answer: The approval is for all grades in the school and all schools in the feeder system, unless revoked by the principal according to # 2, above or #13, below. Yearly reapplication IS NOT NECESSARY to continue at the same school. Reapplication IS REQUIRED when a student progresses from elementary to middle school or from middle school to high school, and the intended school of enrollment is not their residential boundary school. It is strongly recommended to submit a proper application during the Early Enrollment Period, November 15 through the first Friday in February.
Question 4: During the Early Open Enrollment period are applications approved on a first- come, first-served basis?
Answer: No. Applications are collected through the entire Early Open Enrollment period. Determinations are made after the 1st Friday in February. Applicants are notified before March 31st.
Question 5: Can a student change his/her mind and return to the boundary school?
Answer: No. Once the Letter of Acceptance is received the student is committed to that school for the entire school year. He/she may only return to his/her resident school the next school year.
Question 6: Under what conditions can a student’s stay under open enrollment end?
- The student graduates
The student is no longer a Utah resident
The student is suspended or expelled (see #14)
It is determined that the school will exceed the open enrollment threshold next year. (Students must be notified by March 15).
Question 7: Does open enrollment automatically grant UHSAA eligibility?
Answer: No. This is reiterated on the application and on the Letter of Acceptance. It is possible that the student will be ineligible for UHSAA sponsored athletics and activities.
Question 8: How does the student get to school?
Answer: Transportation is the responsibility of the parent or guardian. A student may be allowed to ride a school bus under the following conditions:
The student must get to an existing stop. (Stops will not be created for open enrollment students)
The transportation office gives prior approval (The presence of the student cannot displace a regular rider or add to the cost of the route).
Question 9: How do parents and students find out about open enrollment opportunities?
Answer: The district will maintain a page on the district website that shows available schools and outlines the application procedure. The school should make interested people aware of the option, but there is no requirement for schools to send home announcements, etc.
Question 10: Where do students get an application?
Answer: Electronic applications can be found online. Hard copies can be obtained at Legacy Campus 2063 N 1200 E. North Logan. A non-refundable $5 application fee is required.
Question 11: When is the early open enrollment period?
Answer: November 15 through the 1st Friday in February. Early Open Enrollment applicants will be notified before March 31st.
Question 12: When is the Late Open Enrollment period?
Answer: After the 1st Friday in February through the Friday before school begins.
Question 13: What happens to an open enrollment student that is suspended or expelled?
Answer: The Principal has three options:
1) Allow the student to return to school after the suspension or expulsion.
2) Suspend or expel the student and indicate he/she must return to the resident school following the suspension or expulsion, or
3) Allow the student to return to school following the suspension or expulsion but indicate that the student must return to his/her resident school next year.
Question:14 Can a student transfer to a school through some other means?
Answer: The procedures for Non-Open Enrollment Boundary Variances (“hardship transfers”) remain in policy. This process requires both principals to agree to the transfer. Such variances are done when there is an issue of the health, safety, and welfare of the student.