• River Heights School Community Council

    Agenda 2/12/24

    3:50 p.m.

    Team Members:
    Julie Tashman (Chair)-
    Stacie Williamson (Principal)-
    Burgundy Rupp (Co-Chair) -
    Lisa Weaver (Secretary) -
    Bobbie Liechty  -
    Breauna Jelke -
    Sarah Buttars -
    Midori Mensing -
    Kevin Wilcox -
    Alicia Price -
    *Randall Bagley, Board Member


    Chair opens meeting (Julie)


    Review Minutes from Previous Month (Lisa)


    Discussion Items (Julie/Stacie):
    1. Review the Trustlands Final Report for 2022-2023.
    2. Review the teacher suggestions for the SIP Plan for 2024-2025 and funding allocations for Trustlands and TSSA.
    a.)Goals - Reading, Math, Behavioral Support, SpEd Student Proficiency
    - Parent Suggestions
    b.) Allocations - Current: Technology, Reading Support, Behavioral Support, Teacher PLC Support, SpEd Hybrid Model Support, Book Study (Small Moves, Big Gains), Math and Science Subscriptions (Mystery Science, Generation Genius, Reflex), Reading Counts

    - Parent Suggestions
    c.) Estimates for 2024-2025 - Trustlands: $88,000 and TSSA $115,000
    D.) Tech Needs Estimate: $55,000
    3.)Any other items of business.