• River Heights School Community Council
    Minutes 1/22/24
    3:50 p.m.


    Team Members:
    Julie Tashman (Chair)- Here
    Stacie Williamson (Principal)- Here
    Burgundy Rupp (Co-Chair) - Here
    Lisa Weaver (Secretary) - Here
    Bobbie Liechty  -
    Breauna Jelke -
    Sarah Buttars - Here
    Midori Mensing -
    Kevin Wilcox - Here
    Alicia Price -
    *Randall Bagley, Board Member - Here


    Chair opens meeting (Julie)
    Review Minutes from Previous Month (Lisa)
    Discussion Items (Julie/Stacie):
    1. Review the SIP Plan for 2022/23.  Final report due in February…we will review it then.
    2. Review the SIP Plan for 2023/24 and funding allocations for Trustlands and TSSA.
    3. Talk about suggested goals and funding allocations for 2024-2025.
    a.) Goals - Reading, Math, Behavioral Support, SpEd Student Proficiency
    b.) Allocations - Current: Technology, Reading Support, Behavioral Support, Teacher PLC Support, SpEd Hybrid Model Support, Book Study (Small Moves, Big Gains), Math and Science Subscriptions (Mystery Science, Generation Genius, Reflex), Reading Counts
    c.) Estimates for 2024-2025 - Trustlands: $88,000 and TSSA $115,000
    d.) Tech Needs Estimate: $55,000
    Any other items of business.


    This meeting was a preview of what we will be discussing in earnest in February. Stacie briefly explained the 3a, b, b and d- about Trustlands and TSSA. She talked about how money is allocated and how money has been spent in the past. She asked all on the committee to ask around and come up with suggestions if we have ideas of ways we think the money may be best spent.