• River Heights School Community Council

    Minutes 10/16/23
    3:50 p.m.

    Team Members:
    Julie Tashman (Chair)- Here
    Stacie Williamson (Principal)- Here
    Burgandy Rupp (Co-Chair) - Here
    Lisa Weaver (Secretary) -Here
    Bobbie Liechty  - Here
    Breauna Jelke - Here
    Sarah Buttars - Here
    Midori Mensing - 
    Kevin Wilcox - Here
    Alicia Price - Here
    *Randall Bagley, Board Member
    Dane Adams- Here


    Chair opens meeting (Julie)


    Review Minutes from Previous Month (Lisa)
    Burgundy motioned to approve. Lisa seconded the motion.


    Discussion Items (Julie/Stacie):
    (1.) Introduced all members again. Julie Tashman is the new president.
    (2.) Reviewed the Rules of Order and Procedure. All dates for future meetings are on the school website. Meetings may be attended via Zoom.
    (3.) Talk about a proposed idea/change for the drop off zone to help with traffic flow after cars exit the zone. This change is to address the buildup of cars once they turn out of the school parking lot. Currently cars are only allowed to turn left/west when exiting the parking lot. This change is to make it possible for parents to turn both ways while exiting the school parking lot.
    Solution ideas include:

    1. Stacie will contact River Heights City to request they paint lines for a new crosswalk on 600 S and 600 East.
    2. Stacie will start practicing with students after school gathering in three small groups for crossing.
    3. Stacie will send out a Google survey to parents about which way they prefer to turn when exiting the school parking lot.

    Also discussed:
    Having an extra crossing guard
    Having the crossing guard cutting off kids crossing sooner, to allow parents to turn right sooner

     4. Discuss the digital teaching learning component of the Trustlands regulations.

    We’re having one safety week this year to address various types of safety issues which will include internet safety.

    (4.) Stacie motioned to end the meeting and Sarah Buttars seconded it.