• River Heights School Community Council

    Agenda 4/17/23
    3:50 p.m.

    SCC Meeting
    Monday, April 17 · 3:45 – 4:45pm
    Google Meet joining info
    Video call link: https://meet.google.com/sne-zrwn-mkh
    Or dial: ‪(US) +1 720-943-0059‬ PIN: ‪646 211 373‬#


    Team Members:
    Stacie Williamson -
    Bobbie Liechty  - virtual
    Suzy Sanders -
    Lynn Ringer -
    Burgandy Rupp - absent
    Sarah Buttars -
    Sarah Grange - absent
    Cami Petersen -
    **Randall Bagley, Board Member


    Review Minutes from Previous Month:
    1. Read and vote to approve/disapprove 2023-24 Trustlands Plan.
    The plan was read aloud and the team voted unanimously to approve the plan.
    2. Talk about ideas surrounding more cultural/diversity awareness for next year (Black History Month, Inclusion Month, Women’s History, Latino History, Chinese New Year, etc.)
    The team agreed to start an Inclusion/Diversity team and begin meeting in the summer.
    3. Revisit discussion about painting the two lanes down at the corner.  Is this still needed?
    The team agreed to wait until this meeting to discuss it further.
    4. Any other items of concern?
    Nothing mentioned


    Discussion Items:
    1. Do we want to push River Heights City to paint the two lanes now or is this summer fine?
    Everyone had agreed that it could be done in the summer or this could wait until fall to see if it is needed.  The current traffic is moving quickly enough that it doesn’t seem warranted.  We will see what it looks like come the fall.
    2. How many years have people served and would you like to continue if you have served for more than two?
    The team discussed who had served and would like to take a break.  Suzy Sanders has served for two years and would be happy to take a break.  Lynn Ringer has served four years and is good either way.  Sarah Buttars has served eight years, but doesn’t mind continuing on the team. Bobbie Liechty has served two years as a parent/staff member, but is happy to continue as a staff member now that her kids are out of RHE.  Cami Petersen has served even though it has been hard to make it work with her work schedule and would be happy to let someone else take a turn.  The team volunteered some names of some parents that might be interested in serving next year.  (Dana Thompson, Heather Weese, Alisha Price)


    Stacie asked if anyone had anything else they wanted to talk about and nobody had anything.


    MOTION to adjourn- Bobby Liechty, 2nd Burgundy Rupp