• Canyon Elementary SCC Meeting Minutes  

    Meeting held on March 28, 2023 @ 3:45 p.m.

    Meeting convened at 3:47 pm

    Members Present: Cambree Clare, Sarah Potter, Leslie Burt, Jennifer Scott, Tailor Tudenham 

    Members Absent: Becky Johansen, Kylee Lewis


    Review of Prior Meeting Minutes-Leslie Burt


    Minutes Approved 1st: Cambree Clare 2nd:  Cassie Flammer    


    Discussion Items: 

    1. Review of Trustland Plan for 2023-2024

    1. Leslie reviewed and went over the plan with us. She walked us through the process and where all the funds will be allocated. 

    2. Leslie emailed the document to the committee to review and sign digitally. 

    3. The Trustlands plan has been simplified into two goals, math and reading. 

    4. There is also a TSI plan involved, but no  money is attached to it. 

    5. All goals are tied to assessments and monitor whether students are making progress. 

    6. The two  goals are specific to address that ALL students are making progress not just those who are below benchmark. 

    7. $40,500 will be allocated for our Reading Goal. 

    8. $76,600 will be allocated for our Math Goal. 

    9. $117,100 for the entire plan.

    10. In the event that the school is allocated more funds or extra funds are available, they  will be used for ordering additional technology or supplemental supplies as needed. 


    1. SCC Membership Spring Elections for Upcoming School year 2023-2024

      1. Concerning SCC membership for 2023-2024 school year, the committee  will be holding Spring Nominations and taking Applications. 

      2. SCC is seeking to have 4-6 community members starting Fall 2024.

    1. Additional Discussion Items

      1. Pending approval, SCC meetings will be held in the mornings before school starts. 

    Meeting adjourned at 4:12 pm

    Next meeting: Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 @ 3:45 pm {If needed}