• River Heights School Community Council 

    Minutes 2/13/23

    Stacie Williamson
    Sarah Grange
    Randal Bagley - Board Member
    Burgandy Rupp
    Cami Petersen
    Sarah Buttars
    Lynn Ringer

    Sarah Grange - Motion to begin meeting, 2nd Burgandy Rupp

    Review Minutes from Previous Month:
    TSI what it is as well as what we plan to do with this information. Goals discussed about how to support kids under this program.
    Behavior goals, and specialized support for students.
    MOTION to approve minutes - Burgandy Rupp

    Discussion Items:
    1. TSI Plan details and goals reviewed by Prin. W - data explained and some goals to avoid pitfalls in the plan outlined. Explained Special Ops, and what that means for the kids.
    2. Evidence based strategies overview. Potential Pitfalls plan of action.
    3. Master schedule change to keep on grade level learning with their class for most kids that have previously been spending an hour or more away from their class.

    Randall Bagley shared :

    Superintendant Norton is going to retire, a committee is asking for suggested applicants to replace this position, as well as a select number of people to review of those applicants and submit a score to the school board for them to consider.
    Stacie W. volunteered to be on the review committee.

    Sarah Grange shared:
    Just acquire some information about how to access and navigate the state legislature website, and how to get in contact with our district Senator Scott Sandall. Below is an excerpt from an email from Senator Sandall that includes the link to the legislative website. Weekly tutorials help you learn how to access important information about upcoming issues and bills.

    To be involved in the legislative process, it is important to stay informed and know what government resources are available. With this in mind, we have created video tutorials that explain how to best utilize the legislative website (le.utah.gov). We will highlight a new tutorial each week of the session, and we hope that it will be both helpful and instructive.


    MOTION to adjourn - Stacie Williamson, 2nd Cami Petersen