Stacie Williamson
Bobbie Liechty
Suzy Saunders
Lynn Ringer
Burgandy Rupp
Sarah Buttars (via Zoom)
Sarah Grange
Cami Petersen (via Zoom)
Bobbi Liechty opens the meeting.
Discussion Items:
1. Reminder about the online training from Principal Williamson.
2. Review as a group the “Rules of Order and Procedure”
3. Crosswalk changes discussed, the data gathered recently was most helpful in communication with the city council. The painting of lines and an extra lane being added west of the school is not in the schools authority, only the city can make a call on this. *The change in crosswalk patterns has not appeared to effect the speed of car removal from the area, or that of children walking, but all agree that the change is safer for the students.
4. Sarah B, asked about rules regarding parking along the road near the school, but out of the school zone. (Again, the school has no authority there, but we should discourage this as it often disrupts the flow of the line for pick up.)
5. Consideration given to collecting data at the East crosswalk, for arguments sake - in decision to be made concerning the possible right turn of those leaving the pick up zone.
6. Tyson Glover, road works rep for RH City. Stacie will email Tyson as well as the mayor with the collected data, in order for them to better decide about the painting of lines. The council feels that this will greatly increase the speed of clearing cars away from the school after pick up.
7. Safety and Reunification plan discussed with the group. Paper copies of safety/contact/pick up information will be filled out by each family at PTC’s the week of the 18th.
- Next meeting will be (3rd Monday) November 21stat 2:50
- No questions from the council
MOTION to adjourn- Stacie Williamson, 2nd Sarah Grange