• School Community Council Meeting

    February 22,2022

    Wednesday 3:15pm


    1. Cassie started the meeting. 

    2. Sarah read the minutes from the previous meeting. 

    3. The minutes were motioned to be approved by Cassie and Stacie seconded them. 

    4. Stacie then reviewed the Trustland’s Final report for 2020-2021. She briefed the council on each item and the process she took. 

    5. Stacie then opened a discussion on the current SIP or Schoolwide Improvement Plan and how it matches the Title One Plan. 

    6. We then discussed the SIP plan for 2021-2022. 

    7. The topics for that plan included discussions about using funds to get touch Chromebooks for the first grade. This would bring us to our 1:1 ratio one technology for the school. 

    8. We discussed the funds available for PLC time for grade levels to use either as paid time in the evenings our afternoons and subs would take their classes. There are funds for each month should the grade level team choose to use them. 

    9. There are also funds to add math and EL aides- the council chose to approve that usage. 

    10. Remaining funds will also be used for our annual allotment to Library books, Reflex and Reading Counts.

    11. Cassie motioned to adjourn the meeting and several others seconded the motion.