• SCC Minutes

    Tuesday May 24th, 2022

     3:15pm Conference Room


    1. Cassie started the meeting

    2. Sarah read the minutes

    3. Stacie approved

    4. Cassie seconded the minutes

    5. The CCLR fundraiser was a huge success. We raised $19,000 dollars. A large amount of these funds will go to field trips to allow these students with opportunities to go to places they may not have gone to otherwise. We attempt to not double up so that each grade has a signature place to go.

    6. Stacie asked for any ideas that the community wants to keep going at Canyon during the transition to a new principal. Some of the major ones mentioned were:  

    a. Super Spirit Friday

    b. CCLR Fundraiser

    c.  PIN Nights-Stacie mentioned a hope that principals of Title   1 schools should work together to share resources?

    d.  Leadership week-Upcoming year would be ARTS, Play?? Britta Brown

    E.  Leadership teams-Parents have expressed how their kids have really enjoyed doing those.

    f.   Hitching Post-We have liked the slides and voice-over format Stacie has done.

    1. Stacie mentioned one area that may need improvement next year is the “Safe Routes to School.” This is an area that may need to be reviewed, especially with more homes being built in the Elk Mountain subdivision.

    2.  Cassie mentioned the drop off procedures may need some reviewing as well.  She mentioned the need to reiterate how to use the drop off lanes and emphasized that there are TWO lanes.

    3. Stacie asked of the parents, “Is there a perceived idea within the community that Canyon has a bullying problem?”

    4. Cassie and Tiffany didn’t not feel that there was one. However, a widely seen Facebook post was mentioned where a parent was voicing concern about her child being bullied. Stacie mentioned that she had been notified of that, and had a good conversation with the parent.  

    5. Stacie mentioned the need to encourage parents and the community to please let us know of any problems, and keep communication open so that we are aware and can help when there is a problem. If we don’t know, we can’t help!  

    6. Cassie mentioned that the Angel Tree is a tradition we would still like to do at Canyon.

    7. Most of our Traditions we should still be able to do. The feeling of Canyon comes from all our extra traditions and activities that bring us together!

    8. Stacie didn’t have anything else.

    9. Cassie called to close the meeting.

    10. Stacie motioned to end the meeting.

    11. Pass on to Leslie that it helps to have multiple formats for SCC especially for the moms that have so many places to be!

    12. Meeting was concluded for the 2021-2022 school year.