

     Responsible Decision Making Competencies

    Pre-K - 2nd Grades

      Indicators of Responsible Decision Making

                  3rd - 6th Grades

                   Indicators of Responsible Decision Making

    1. Consider and use multiple factors in decision-making, including ethical and safety factors, personal and community responsibilities, and short-term and long-term goals.

           Makes choices to ensure the safety of others and oneself.

           Describes classroom norms and safety factors that guide behavior.

           Identifies and illustrates safe and unsafe situations.

           Describes the consequences of a person’s decision.

           Explains the importance of making ethical and safe decisions.

           Describes the influence of peers and others on decision making.

           Describe the benefits of rules and norms and their role in guiding academic and social decisions.


    2. Develop, implement, and model effective decision-making skills to deal responsibly with academic and social situations.

         Implements stop, think, act, review strategies in problem solving.

         Demonstrates appropriate social and classroom behavior.

         Demonstrates constructive academic behaviors.


           Describes and applies the steps of the decision- making process.

           Effectively participates in group decision making.

           Makes decisions consistent with established rules and norms within the school setting.

    SEL Academic Integrated Strategies for Responsible Decision Making

    Pre-K 2nd Grades

    3rd  - 6th Grades

    Give students opportunities to practice making simple choices by using when/then or either/or.

    Routinely model good decision-making.

    Support students through the steps of making a decision anytime they face a choice or decision.

    Give students authentic feedback for making good decisions.

    Develop and enforce class rules and shared norms, discussing them routinely.

    Create, agree to, and help students understand logical consequences, discussing them frequently and whenever appropriate.

    Help students learn behaviors such as listening, paying attention, following directions, and ignoring distractions.

    In a class meeting, have students compose a list of classroom and playground rules, consequences, and ways to help others follow them.

    Allow students to choose where they would like to sit during quiet reading.

            Discuss with students how social norms affect their decisions (e.g. friends telling us what to do or not do).

            Talk with students about bullying and cyberbullying behaviors.

            Stress the importance of telling an adult when they observe or experience bullying.

            Create responsible digital citizens by teaching students about the effects of misuse of technology  and cyber-bullying.

            Invite parents to attend workshops about cyberbullying and share the school's policy.

            Have student’s role-play the different roles in a bullying situation (i.e., target of bullying, student who bullies, bystander, and defender).

            Bring in a guest speaker who works to prevent or investigate incidents of cyber-bullying.

            Teach students to use “when-then” and “either-or” statements to determine the consequences of their actions in a variety of settings.

            Provide students with role-play scenarios on peer pressure that take place in and outside of school and discuss possible responses.

            Discuss the consequences of making both good and poor choices in a workplace setting.

            Have students create a chart of the pros and cons of either a personal decision or a classroom/school decision.

            Teach students a formula for making good decisions (e.g., identify the problem, consider the alternatives, make a choice, try it out, reevaluate).

    Healthy Lifestyles SEL Teaching Activities for Responsible Decision Making

            Implement the STAR (Stop, Think, Act, and Review) process with students.

            Teach students a simple formula for making good decisions anytime they face a choice (e.g., stop, calm down, identify the choice to be made, consider the options, make a choice and do it, how did it go?).

            Implement the STAR (Stop, Think, Act, and Review) process with students.

            Teach students a simple formula for making good decisions anytime they face a choice (e.g., stop, calm down, identify the choice to be made, consider the options, make a choice and do it, how did it go?).

    Humanities SEL Teaching Activities for Responsible Decision Making

            Use puppets to help students identify safe and unsafe situations and what to do in those situations.

            As a class, identify community helpers who can help if you don’t feel safe.

            Talk with students about the difference between a stranger, an acquaintance, and a friend.

            Routinely walk students through the decision-making formula anytime there is a discipline issue—to think about the decision they faced, how their choice resulted in a problem, and how they might choose differently if they had it to do over again.

            Teach students vocabulary words such as honesty, responsibility, and perseverance and the relationship to social and academic behaviors.

            Ask students to apply the decision-making formula to problems characters face in books or stories.

            Walk through the steps of problem-solving in response to situations in stories.

            Examine problems or moral situations from literature and examine other alternatives and impacts.

            Read stories to students in which characters have made a choice or decision, and discuss the consequences, both positive and negative.

            Talk with students about the difference between a stranger, an acquaintance, and a friend.

            Ask students to apply the decision-making formula to problems characters face in books or stories.

            Walk through the steps of problem-solving in response to situations in stories.

            Examine problems or moral situations from literature and examine other alternatives and impacts.

            Use puppets to help students identify safe and unsafe situations and what to do in those situations.

            Teach students vocabulary words such as honesty, responsibility, and perseverance and the relationship to social and academic behaviors.

            Read stories to students in which characters have made a choice or decision, and discuss the consequences, both positive and negative.

    SEL Direct Instruction Resources for Responsible Decision Making

    Curriculum Resources









    Harmony SEL

    Unit 1:

    Being My Best Self


    1.4: Freeze Those Ziggles



     1.4: Turning It Up and Turning It Down


    1.4: Strong and Mild Emotions


     1.4: Feeling the Calm


    1.4: It's Time to Cool Off


     1.4: Noticing and Regulating Emotions


    1.4: Lost Your Cool? Get Calm

    1.4: Keeping Control

    Unit 2:

    Valuing Each Other



    Unit 3:

    Communicating With Each Other










    Unit 4:

    Learning From Each Other


    4.3: Solving Problems Together

    4.5: Making Amends





    4.3: Solving Problems

    4.4: Compromising With Others

    4.5: Making Amends and Forgiving


    4.3: Solving Problems Fairly

    4.4: Compromising to Solve Problems

    4.5: Taking Responsibility and Making Amends


    4.3: Finding a Solution

    4.4: Ways to Compromise

    4.5: Taking Responsibility for Mistakes


    4.3: Talk It Out

    4.4: Working Things Out

    4.5: Correcting Mistakes by Making Amends


    4.3: Talk It Out and Clear it Up

    4.4: Let's STEP It Up

    4.5: Making Mistakes and Making Amends


    4.3: STEP It Up! To Resolve Conflict

    4.4: Practice Makes Perfect

    4.5: Making Amends When You Make a Mistake


    4.3: Smooth Solutions for Conflict

    4.4: Working Through Conflict

    4.5: Make a Point of Making Amends

    Utah Core Health Standards



    Strand 1: Health Foundations and Protective Factors of Healthy Self


    Standard K.HF.1

    Standard K.HF.2

    Standard K.HF.3


    Standard 1.HF.1

    Standard 1.HF.2

    Standard 1.HF.3


    Lesson Plans

    Standard 2.HF.1

    Standard 2.HF.2

    Standard 2.HF.3

    Standard 2.HF.4

    Standard 2.HF.5


    Lesson Plans

    Standard 3.HF.1

    Standard 3.HF.2


    Lesson Plans

    Standard 3.HF.3

    Lesson Plans

    Standard 3.HF.4

    Standard 3.HF.5

    Lesson Plans

    Standard 4.HF.1

    Standard 4.HF.2


    Lesson Plans

    Standard 4.HF.3

    Standard 4.HF.4

    Lesson Plans

    Standard 5.HF.1


    Lesson Plans

    Lesson Plans

    Standard 5.HF.2

    Standard 5.HF.3

    Lesson Plans

    Standard 5.HF.4

    Lesson Plans

    Standard 6.HF.1

    Standard 6.HF.2


    Lesson Plans

    Standard 6.HF.3

    Standard 6.HF.4

    Lesson Plans

    Standard 6.HF.5

    Lesson Plans

    Strand 2: Mental and Emotional Health


    Standard K.MEH.1

    Standard K.MEH.2


    Standard K.MEH.1

    Standard K.MEH.2


    Standard 2.MEH.1


    Lesson Plans

    Standard 2.MEH.2

    Standard 2.MEH.3

    Standard 3.MEH.1


    Lesson Plans

    Standard 3.MEH.2

    Lesson Plans

    Standard 3.MEH.3

    Standard 4.MEH.1


    Lesson Plans

    Standard 4.MEH.2

    Standard 4.MEH.3

    Standard 4.MEH.4

    Lesson Plans

    Standard 5.MEH.1

    Standard 5.MEH.2


    Lesson Plans

    Lesson Plans

    Standard 5.MEH.3

    Lesson Plans

    Standard 6.MEH.1

    Standard 6.MEH.2


    Lesson Plans

    Standard 6.MEH.3

    Standard 6.MEH.4

    Standard 6.MEH.5







    Unit 1:

    Getting Focused


    L1: How Our Brains Work

    L2: Mindful Awareness

    L3: Focused Awareness: The Core Practice

    L1: How Our Brains Work

    L2: Mindful Awareness

    L3: Focused Awareness: The Core Practice

    L1: How Our Brains Work

    L2: Mindful Awareness

    L3: Focused Awareness: The Core Practice

    L1: How Our Brains Work

    L2: Mindful Awareness

    L3: Focused Awareness: The Core Practice

    L1: How Our Brains Work

    L2: Mindful Awareness

    L3: Focused Awareness: The Core Practice

    L1: How Our Brains Work

    L2: Mindful Awareness

    L3: Focused Awareness: The Core Practice

    L1: How Our Brains Work

    L2: Mindful Awareness

    L3: Focused Awareness: The Core Practice

    L1: How Our Brains Work

    L2: Mindful Awareness

    L3: Focused Awareness: The Core Practice

    Unit 2:

    Sharpening Your Senses










    Unit 3:

    It’s All About Attitude


    L10: Perspective Taking

    L11: Choosing Optimism

    L12: Appreciating Happy Experiences

    L10: Perspective Taking

    L11: Choosing Optimism

    L12: Appreciating Happy Experiences

    L10: Perspective Taking

    L11: Choosing Optimism

    L12: Appreciating Happy Experiences

    L10: Perspective Taking

    L11: Choosing Optimism

    L12: Appreciating Happy Experiences

    L10: Perspective Taking

    L11: Choosing Optimism

    L12: Appreciating Happy Experiences

    L10: Perspective Taking

    L11: Choosing Optimism

    L12: Appreciating Happy Experiences

    L10: Perspective Taking

    L11: Choosing Optimism

    L12: Appreciating Happy Experiences

    L10: Perspective Taking

    L11: Choosing Optimism

    L12: Appreciating Happy Experiences


    Unit 4:

    Taking Action Mindfully



    L13: Expressing Gratitude

    L14: Performing Acts of Kindness

    L15: Taking Mindful Action in the World

    L13: Expressing Gratitude

    L14: Performing Acts of Kindness

    L15: Taking Mindful Action in the World

    L13: Expressing Gratitude

    L14: Performing Acts of Kindness

    L15: Taking Mindful Action in the World

    L13: Expressing Gratitude

    L14: Performing Acts of Kindness

    L15: Taking Mindful Action in the World

    L13: Expressing Gratitude

    L14: Performing Acts of Kindness

    L15: Taking Mindful Action in the World

    L13: Expressing Gratitude

    L14: Performing Acts of Kindness

    L15: Taking Mindful Action in the World

    L13: Expressing Gratitude

    L14: Performing Acts of Kindness

    L15: Taking Mindful Action in the World

    L13: Expressing Gratitude

    L14: Performing Acts of Kindness

    L15: Taking Mindful Action in the World

    Botvin Life


    Health Lessons






     Lesson 4-1: Decision Making

    Lesson 5-1: Smoking Information

    Lesson 6-1: Advertising




    SEL in Action





    How do I Decide?

    Setting Good Goals

    The Consequences of Your Actions

    Acting Responsibly

    Looking at Problems in New Ways

    Solving Problems

    Reflecting on Past Experiences

      Critical Thinking, Questioning

    Critical Thinking, Compare and Contrast

    Setting Goals

    Time Management Skills

    Balancing Obligations

    Communicating My Needs

    What’s So Hard About Goals?

    Decisions for Today and Tomorrow

    The Consequences of Your Actions

    Acting Responsibly

    Looking at Problems in New Ways

    Solving Problems

    Reflecting on Past Experiences 

      Critical Thinking, Questioning

    Critical Thinking, Compare and Contrast

    Setting Goals

    Time Management Skills

    Balancing Obligations

    Communicating My Needs

    Pure Edge, Inc.





    Pure Edge Brain Breaks

    Training Manual


    Pure Edge Brain Breaks Training Manual

    Strategies for educators and learners to support social, emotional, and academic development through mindful movement and rest.

    Arrival: Engaging in a Mindful Minute offers learners a chance to check in with themselves at the start of the day.

    Large Group/Circle Time: Simple breathing exercises will visually hold attention in the large group setting.

    Small Group: Small group offers time to give feedback and answer questions.

    Refocus Between Lessons: Bring in a little movement and breathing as a brain break to re-energize learners.

    Before Testing: Use mindful breathing exercises to help learners focus and relieve testing-related stress.

    Lining Up: Help learners stay calm during the transition to and from the classroom.

    Recess: Refocus and calm down after recess.

    Create a Calming Center: Have a Breathing Ball available for learners to access in a quiet area.

    Departure: A gratitude activity is a great way to start off or wrap up the day.