Husky Habits Tips from Hot Shot

Heritage Elem. PIBS- Positive Behavior Interventions & Support

In the Classroom, Hot Shot says:

  • Use hand sanitizer every time you enter the classroom.

    Be sure to sanitize your hands

    Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

    Walk in the classroom.

    Be aware of others around you.

    Hats can be worn outside.

    Keep hands and feet to yourself

    Be respectful of your teacher and class members.

    Help other do their best learning.

    Be an active participant in learning.

    Complete your classroom assignments and homework.

    Do your best.  You are amazing!

    Please no gum. It is too loud!!

    Remember, you make a difference

    Students Remember ...

    YOU matter!!

    YOU make a difference!!

    YOU are important!!

    YOU can do great things!!

    YOU can grow!!

In the Halls, Hot Shot says:

  • Stretch your legs and walk facing forward.

    Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

    Please don’t touch the bulletin boards.

    Keep your voices off.

    Do not disrupt the learning of other classrooms. Be as quiet as as a mouse. 

    Walk in the halls, no running

    Listen to the directions of your teacher.

    Keep hallways clean by throwing trash in a trash can.

    Hold recess equipment still until you get outside.

    Help keep our school clean

    Everyone can help keep our school clean!

In the Restrooms, Hot Shot says:

  • Wait your turn.

    Respect the privacy of others.

    Only 6 students in the restroom at a time.

    Use time wisely and return to class quickly.

    Respect others privacy

    Be germ free - wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds singing “Happy Birthday” in your mind. 

    Flush the toilet.

    Use quiet voices.

    wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds

    Keep floors dry.

    Let an adult know if there is a problem in the restroom.

    Use only 1 paper towel and throw it in the garbage when finished.

    Use time wisely and return to class quickly.

    throw garbage in a garbage can

In the Cafeteria, Hot Shot says:

  • Always walk, walk, walk! and keep your hands to yourself.

    Use polite table manners. Inside voices. Be kind to others.

    always walk and keep your hands to yourself

    Say “thank you” to the lunchroom staff.  They are so important!!! 

    Carry your tray with both hands.

    Thank a Lunch Lady today!

    Sit facing the table, with feet on the floor.

    Do not share food.

    Keep your hands to yourself.

    Stay seated while eating.

    Keep your hands to yourself

    Use the correct paths for the lunch line and for dumping your tray.

    Clean up after yourself, you can make a difference.

    Throw your garbage in a garbage can

    Thank you for doing your part and keeping our school clean

On the Playground, Hot Shot says:

  • Playing chase/tag should be done on the grass.

    Stay in the playground boundaries.

    Please stay away from the white fence...6 feet rule.

    Use equipment correctly.

    What is on the ground, stays on the ground. 

    Make a friend and include everyone

    Make a friend and include everyone.

    Use kind words.

    Be in control of hands and feet.

    Play by the rules.

    always play by the rules

    Don’t leave coats, jackets, hats, or gloves outside.

    Help put garbage in a trash can.

    The whistle signals end of recess: line up quietly right away.

A Little about School Pride from Hot Shot:

  • Husky PAWS

    Husky Paws given to students for being safe, kind, and responsible

    Husky PAWS are given to students who are safe, kind, and responsible to others and to our school

    Bring Husky Paws to the office, Drawings are held every Friday for fun prizes. 

    Wear School Pride on Fridays

    wear school colors on Fridays

    On Fridays, wear our school colors: Navy Blue or Maroon 

    Special occasions or incentive Fridays count as school pride as well (stripes day, sport days, college day, etc.).

    Students are responsible for being truthful and filling out “school pride”  tickets.

    Together we are AWESOME!

    together we are awesome

Heritage Huskies are Safe, Kind, Responsible, and Ready to Lead