• What language readiness skills should my child have when entering Kindergarten?

    Children entering kindergarten should be able to:

    • Answer who, what, and where questions

    • Speak in sentences in varying lengths to communicate thoughts and feelings

    • Use prepositions such as: to, from, in

    • Use pronouns in context such as -he is going outside rather than him is going outside

    • Understand taking turns when another person is speaking

    • Take multiple turns during a conversation

    Caroon Kid

  • Cartoon Kid How do I build my child’s language skills?

    • Encourage your child to respond to question words such as: what, where, and who.

    • Encourage discussions with your child by discussing the text you are reading, identify what your child observes, and having your child express his/her feelings.

    • Build new vocabulary by using words to replace familiar words such as soil for dirt or deposit for put away.

    • Model correct pronunciation and grammar.

    • Give opportunities for your child to participate in one on one conversations by practicing taking turns to talk.