Reading Readiness for Three Year Olds

  • Three year old children are ready to be readers! Here are some tips to promote reading readiness in your home.

    • Establish a daily routine for reading. Naptime or bedtime works great. Read to your child regularly. Children often enjoy hearing the same book over and over.

    • Point to words as you read, show that words go from left to right by making a sweeping motion as you point.

    • When reading a favorite story, pause and have your child fill in the missing word.

    •  Have your child help with the sequencing of familiar stories.

      Young Child Reading
    • Visit the library together. Encourage your child to choose a book to take home.

    • Expose your child to lots of different kinds of books.

    • Give your child opportunities to have ownership of books. Start building a family library.

    • Label items in your home to help your child understand letters make words and words have meanings.

    • Introduce your child to “ environmental print”- recognizing the signs for favorite restaurants and stores. Identify words on frequently bought items such as cereal boxes.
  • Here are some helpful hints in helping young children recognize and write their name.

    • Write the child's name on a white board.

    • Have the child match the letters in his or her name using magnetic or foam letters.

    • Help your child identify the letters in his or her name.

      Child Writing Name
    • After your child is able to identify the letters in his or her name, model writing the name using a capital and then lowercase letters.

    • Give your child lots of practice writing his or her name using a dry erase marker and a white board.

    • Do not worry about the size of letters, give your child confidence in writing his or her name by giving opportunities for practice.

    • Write your child's name on sticky notes and place it around your home.

    • Encourage your child to "read" his or her name as he passes the sticky note.

    • Make sentence strips and place strategically in your home This is Lydia's bed.