Mr. Mallory's Minutes, Choose Kind

Matthew Mallory, School Counselor

Phone: 435-792-7709(Direct Line)


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science Degree Utah State University 2003 Master of Science Degree Utah State University 2007


December 31 Days of Kindness

  • Dec. 1: Think and say positive things all day today  

    Dec. 2: Write down what you are grateful for today

    Dec. 3: Call a relative that is far away and see how they are

    Dec. 4: Make a card for a school staff member

    Dec. 5: Leave a positive message for someone to find  

    Dec. 6: Tell your friends how grateful you are for them  

    Dec. 7: Make someone laugh today

    Dec. 8: Find a way to share something you have with someone  

    Dec. 9: Make a thank you note for your mail carrier  

    Dec. 10:  Ask a grandparent or elderly person to tell you a story about their life  

    Dec. 11: Sit with someone new at lunch  

    Dec. 12: Thank the person who made dinner  

    Dec. 13: Tell a family member why you love them  

    Dec. 14: Do a chore for someone else  

    Dec. 15: Count how many people you can make smile today

    Dec. 16: Share a happy memory with a friend or family member  

    Dec. 17: Instead of video games, play a board game with your family

    Dec. 18: Compliment someone you've never met today

    Dec. 19: Give a hug to a friend or family member

    Dec. 20: Have some Hot Chocolate at lunch recess today and be sure to say Hi to Mr. Mallory!   

    Dec. 21: Thank someone for making a difference in your life

    Dec. 22: Clean up a mess you did not make  

    Dec. 23: Find a way to help someone else

    Dec. 24: Make a thank you card for your local law enforcement  

    Dec. 25: Be grateful for everything you have

    Dec. 26: Write thank you notes for gifts you receive

    Dec. 27: Find a person who looks sad and say something nice to them

    Dec. 28: Tell a parent why you are grateful for them

    Dec. 29: Do a kind act of service for your neighbor

    Dec. 30: Tell yourself 5 reasons why you love yourself!  

    Dec. 31: Plan out 12 kindness ideas you will do each month in 2024!

The Piano Guys It's Gonna Be OKAY

  • Little acts of kindness ideas:

    Kindness to your Environment:

    Make a bird feeder (pinecone, peanut butter, bird seed)

    Clean up trash


    Take a walk (instead of driving somewhere)

    Kindness to the Staff:

    Elbow bump Mr. Robins

    Heart attack front office

    Clean up your mess

    Wave hello and say “thank you” to our custodial staff, prep teachers, aids, & kitchen staff

    Kindness to Yourself:

    Affirmations-say kind things to yourself (I am beautiful, handsome, smart, etc…)

    Read your favorite book

    Share something (with a family member) that you did well that day

    Try something new

    Kindness to our Teachers:

    Donate classroom supplies

    Decorate their door

    Leave a treat on their desk

    Say “Thank you”

    Kindness to Friends and Peers:

    Give your friend a compliment

    Leave a chalk message

    Draw a picture for your friend

    Kindness to the Community:

    Leave a note for your mail carrier

    Say “Thank you” to a grocery store worker

    Hold the door for someone

    Color pictures or write letters for senior citizens

    Make a “Have a Great Day” sign to put in your window

    Kindness to our families:

    Chore fairy

    Call a family member

    Play a game with your family

    Read a book to a sibling

    Set aside your phone
