2024-25 SCHOOL YEAR


    NOTICE: The items on this list will be used during the regular school day.   They may be brought from home on a voluntary basis, otherwise they will be furnished by the school.  


    BLACK EXPO Dry Erase Markers (The fat ones are best.  Please, no colors.)

    Kleenex Tissues

    Hand sanitizer

    Clorox wipes


    Ziploc bags (any size)

    1 ream of white copy paper

    JUMBO glue sticks

    Snacks: One package of snacks to share each month. Snacks that are always a hit are: crackers, pretzels, cereal, graham crackers, fruit snacks, string cheese, and cookies.

    Water bottles: each student can bring a water bottle to school each day to help them stay hydrated and to facilitate drink time. Please label your child’s water bottle with their name.

    Special donations: if you would like to help with some special items that we will need during the year (things like cardstock and sheet protectors), please let your teacher know!