Mrs. R. Kendrick’s 2nd Grade
2024-25 SCHOOL YEARNOTICE: The items on this list will be used during the regular school day. They may be brought from home on a voluntary basis, otherwise they will be furnished by the school.
Each student will need:
● One Backpack for daily use
● One 1½ inch 3-ring binder for Leadership Notebook (white new) Any extra donations of white 1-1 ½ inch 3-
ring binders for our classrooms would be appreciated.
● One 2-inch 3-ring binder for your child’s scrapbook will be returned at the end of the year full of their amazing work and memories.
● Water bottle to keep in a cubby and refill daily labeled with name (washed on weekends)
● Earbuds or Headphones Labeled with their name on the tape. Please choose a set that fits your child’s ear
and is comfortable in your child’s ear for 10-15 minutes)The following items will be shared with the whole class:
- #2 pencils (sharpened if possible)Glue Sticks (not liquid glue)
- Tissues (we go through LOTS of these in a year)
- Clorox wipes (we clean our desks every day)
- Expo whiteboard markers (black, fine, or regular- size tip)
- 1 ream of white copy paper
- Snacks-Once a month-crackers, cereal, fruit snacks, etc.