• Definitions

    Late Start- Morning bus stop times and school starting times are delayed exactly 2 hours.

    Early Out - School release times and bus stops times are 1 hour and 15 minutes early (a Friday release time).

    School Cancellation - No school that day.

    Weather Forecast used - National Weather Service for Logan, Utah

    Evening Alerts - Alerts to alter the next day school schedule will be sent by 9:00 p.m.

    Morning Alerts - Alerts to alter the same day school schedule will be sent by 6:00 a.m.



    1.  Heavy Snow/Blizzard Warning - If forecast for anytime between 4 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.

         i.  Early morning = possible late start

         ii.  Middle of day = possible school cancellation

         iii.  Between 3:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. = possible early out

    2.  Temperature Warning as forecast by the National Weather Service for Logan, Utah

         i.  If temperature is forecast to be at least -15 degrees = late start

         ii. If temperature is forecast to be colder than -20 degrees = school cancelation

    3.  High Wind Warning - Possible late start or early out depending on timing

    4.  Extreme Fog Warning - Impacting most of Cache Valley = possible late start


    Notification of Late Start, School Closure or Early Out will be made through Alert Solutions e-mail, text and voice calls to parents and employees.  Media contacts for the district to relay information is KVNU/KBLQ radio and KSL TV