Phone: 435-752-5121


Degrees and Certifications:

Tianne Allen

Favorite Subject in School: Math

Where did you go to college to become a teacher? Utah State University (go Aggies!)

Past Teaching Assignments: 5th grade at White Pine

Why did you decide to become a teacher?  I wanted to create a love for learning in my students. I was inspired in my own education by amazing teachers and wanted to inspire others.

Favorite Food: steak 

Favorite Candy Bar: Snickers

Favorite Color:  Yellow

Favorite Book: The City of Ember

Where did you grow up? Smithfield 

Family: A husband and three kids. Two daughters and one son

Hobbies/Interests:  Camping, reading, and doing puzzles

Suggested Donation List

Phone: 435-752-5121


Degrees and Certifications:

Kamia Whiddon

Favorite Subject in School: English

Where did you go to college to become a teacher: West Texas A&M University

Past Teaching Assignments: 6th Grade English Language Arts and Reading-6 years;  Dyslexia-2 years;  Kindergarten-1 year

Why did you decide to become a teacher: Some of the most important people in my life were teachers, and they have made a huge impact on my life. I’ve always wanted to make that same impact on the children that I teach.

Favorite Food: Chicken Wings

Favorite Candy Bar: Twix

Favorite Color: Pink

Favorite Book: Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

Where did you grow up: Vernon, Texas

Family: Husband- Chris; Dog- Bogey

Hobbies/Interest: Hiking, reading, watching sports (especially the Dallas Cowboys and Texas Longhorns), or trying to beat my husband at any sport or game.

Suggested Donation List