Title 1 School Designation
What is a Title I School?
Based on a school's demographics (% of students on free/reduced lunch) they can be designated as a Title I School.
What are the benefits of being a Title I School?
Receiving a designation of a Title I School brings in federal funding. This allows us to hire multiple classroom instructional assistans who assis us in meeing the learning needs of all students.
Receiving federal Title I money also requires that every teacher is a highly qualified teacher based upon criteria for this designation. You are welcome to check on this status of your child's teacher by contacting Mr. Bennett.
Does Title I only help students below grade level?
Title I allows us to meet the learning needs of every student more effectively. We are able to work with students in smaller groups that improves learning of all students- those below, at and above grade level.
Title I Plan
We are required by law to have a Title I plan in place. This plan is the same as our School Improvement Plan. You can find a link to our school improvement plan after it is approved, October 1st, on our school's website. Part of this plan is parent training. Our school community council is the group responsible for creating this plan. You are welcome to give feedback, concerning this plan, at our community council meetings.