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All Smiles at Clubs

This month ASC students have participated in so many fun and diverse clubs. Pictured below is one such club. Our staff are awesome at using a variety of different techniques to teach the students. You can see these kids were having a blast!

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ASC Sasha Club Pic.jpg
ASC Alessia smiling Club.jpg

We are so grateful for incredible staff who put together such fun activities!

Back From Break

ASC is in full swing here at Bridger. We enjoyed a great long break, and now we are ready for more clubs, more Monday activities, and more fun!

In the club shown below, students and staff discussed different aspects of the calendar. The kids learned a lot and had fun using their knowledge in a hands-on way.

Group Calandar Club- Levi and Jay.jpg
Isabella Calendar Club.jpg
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Azlyn, Enzo, Jessica Calandar Club.jpg

Spectacular Spirit Guest Speaker!

Our guest speaker for this month came from the USU spirit squad! It is our very own Ms. Kennedy and her stunt partner. The kids loved to see their teacher showing what she is passionate about. They also loved to see a male participate in cheer! It reminded everyone that anyone who wants to work hard and practice can participate in cheer!

Kids learned the importance of stretching.

Kids learned the importance of stretching.

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The kids also got to watch some USU cheer stunts!

The kids also got to watch some USU cheer stunts!

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The kids loved this guest speaker and could clearly see the passion present within the sport.

Spirit Week!

We love to participate in Spirit Week here at ASC! Crazy hair day and dress up day are our favorites!

First we had crazy hair day! Our students and staff went ALL out. Below is picture proof ;)

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Crazy hair- Nevaeah .jpg

A few days after crazy hair day, we had dress up day! Everyone loved to dress up! Almost all ASC staff participated.

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Dress Up- Elsa.jpg
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We can’t wait for the next spirit week!

Pumpkin Walk

Here at ASC we love the fall. For us, fall means the North Logan Pumpkin Walk!

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We love it so much that we take ALL ASC students on this field trip! We don’t want anyone missing out on this experience.

Pumpkin Walk- 4th grade .jpg
Pumpkin walk- 2nd grade.jpg

As you can see we are all smiles on field trip day!

Pumkin Walk 5th grade.jpg

Bridger Bears LOVE the pumpkin walk and we will be back next year!

First Field Trip of ASC Session 1

For the first field trip of the session kindergarten and first grade went to Fire Station 70!

Some of our students had never been on a school bus, so even traveling to the station was exciting!

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Students first got to hear about fire safety. Then they witnessed a fireman put on all of his gear. The kids were so surprised to see how much they have to wear.

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Students watching fireman with gear.jpg

The Fireman was very nice and let the kids come feel his uniform.

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Fireman outfit, kids from the back.jpg

The kids absolutely loved this field trip! A big thanks to Firestation #70 for having us!

PS- The bus driver said we were the quietest group he has ever had! Go Bridger Bears!

STEAM Parent Night

This months parent night was STEAM themed. The staff had a blast brainstorming fun STEAM related activities that would be fun for students and parents alike.

There were a number of stations all created by the staff.

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The next station allowed parents and students to test their math fact knowledge. Staff even got to show off their skills!

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Parent Night Math Facts 2.jpg

Parents and students could take a break in our snack zone.

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Another station showed various games made possible using basic dice! Each family got to take home a set of dice.

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Parent Night Dice Game in action.jpg

The last station available was a cup stacking competition! What a Hoot!

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Parent Night Math Cups Dawit.jpg

Field Trip Fun!

K-2nd grade had the opportunity to attend a field trip to Gossner Foods.

Before the tour even began the kids began to gasp and point! Gossners has a great view of the surrounding mountains. They loved it! A great way to start the tour.

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Gossners- Admiring the view while waiting .jpg

Before the official tour began, an employee at Gossners showed us a neat video detailing how all the products they provide are made. He also made time for the students to ask questions about dairy products!

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He then proceeded to show our students several windows looking into the main factory!

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Gossners- Kids looking at machinery distance.jpg
Gossners- Look at the machinery .jpg

As the kids completed the official tour, our guide informed them they would get to choose a flavored milk of their own! They were ecstatic. We began the walk over to the Gossners store.

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Gossners- finding out they get milk!.jpg
Gossners- End with milk.jpg

A huge thanks to all the great employees at Gossners! They made sure we had a great time!

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Half-Week Happenings!

We have a busy week next week, so this short week is all about preparation. We enlisted the kids to help us get ready! We have included pictures below of the exciting preparations taking place this week.

Next weeks activities include a field trip to Gossner Foods. Staff and students are excited! We will finish off the week with a Parent Night. Please join us Thursday the 28th for a night filled will games and fun! We will start at 5 O’clock as usual.


Leadership club assembled and tried to brainstorm how to contribute to parent night!


These two young helpers are eager to provide input! K-2nd grade cannot participate in Leadership club, but that does not mean they do not make their opinion known! We have a suggestion box meant for any student who would like to see a change!


This is just one of the many signs being prepared for parent night! Our staff are really going the extra mile to make sure that parents have fun!

Leadership Council Elections

Every session we select 3rd-5th grade students who attend regularly and show excellent leadership potential to run for leadership council.

All 14 kids were running towards the votes of all K-5th Grade students.


These kids were responsible for using ASC time to make posters and a video stating who they are and why students should vote for them. They loved this experience. It taught them to recognize their unique talents and capabilities. It also shows them that as ASC staff we are interested in their opinion on the program. Here are some pictures from their videos!


This experience has been great for our younger grades as well, as it teaches them the value of democracy. They learn that their opinion can be voiced, through voting. We gave each of the younger kids an “I Voted” sticker as seen below.


This process was super neat! We cannot wait to see what these leadership students do!

Irritable Weather+ Crazy Fun Clubs+ Lights On= Exciting week at Bridger!

The past week has been crazy at ASC. The week started off with some funky weather. We at ASC try and get out as often as the weather allows- and this Monday was no different. Suddenly the staff and students came running into the school. There was shouts and hollers. It had started to HAIL during recces. That definitely added some energy to our day. The picture below was taken when there was a brief pause in the snow and hail.


This added to our crazy day! Living in Logan is an always an adventure!


This months theme is History! This club learned about Wyoming’s interesting beginnings as a state. Ms. Emily utilized our incredible library for this activity. The kids loved this particular book. Definitely a memorable activity!


The students got to participate in the district-wide program, Lights On. The kids learned a cultural dance and a few new songs. This was a fun event for all ages!

Visitors: ArtCore!

ArtCore is a nonprofit started here in Logan Utah.  Their main focus is to allow everyone to have access to art in all of its many forms. A few of their volunteers came to do a project with our kindergartners, and our 1st & 2nd graders!

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Kids split into groups, each table being responsible for one piece of cardboard.

ArtCore- genaro and joshua instruction.JPG

These creative projects will be on display at Logan High School on February 21 from 6 PM to 7 PM.

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The kids had a blast working with ArtCore!

ArtCore- Conner, Israel, and Genaro .JPG

Thanks ArtCore!

Out of This World Field Trip!

On January 10th, third through fifth grade got to attend a field trip to USU Space Dynamics Lab.

Space Field Trip- walking .jpg

After we settled into one of the many buildings that make up the dynamics lab, a presentation began about satellites.


Students even got to participate in a few demonstrations!


Following the presentation, students got to tour a museum like portion of the lab. Objects that were actually sent into space by USU students were on display there!


All of the students were enthralled by the museum!


This field trip was a staff and student favorite. Thanks USU Space Dynamics Lab for having us!

Magical Guest Speaker

We had the privilege of having a magician come visit us at ASC!

Magician Himself .JPG

He came to speak to Kindergarten through Second Grade. He talked about the history of magic, the resources available at the library, the code of honor, and respect he has for himself and others.

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Magician trick- chains.JPG

He did quite a few tricks while speaking to the students. The kids got to participate in almost all of them! Their shock and awe was more fun to watch than the tricks themselves!

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Magician- Israel surprised .JPG
Magician- Isaiah Surprised.JPG

The students had a great time watching the magician perform fun tricks. They learned about hobbies and resources available to them through the library. It was practical and fun! Perfect for this age group. We love guest speakers!

Parent Night- Camp Read A Lot

We had our first Parent Night last night!

Our goal for parent night is to establish good relationships with Bridger families. We love to see and get to know the parents and families of the students we get to see everyday!

This parent night was centered around reading. We had four stations.

Parent Night- station 1 Katelyn .JPG

Station one consisted of picking out some fun campfire treats!

Parent Night Lexi and Jace- Meet the staff.JPG

The second station involved a guess the staff activity. Students got to work with their parents to try and guess who the description matched best. Some leaders stumped kids more than others.

Parent Night- Station 3.JPG

Station three was all set up to let kids make bookmarks with their parents. Each bookmark consisted of a quote about the power of reading together.

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Parent Night- Emily and Oaklee .JPG

The Fourth and final station provided a place with reading excerpts to read with parents and staff. It was by far the coziest spot to be.

This parent night was a huge success! We cannot wait for the next one! If you could not make this one, we hope to see you next time!

New Reading Centers!

We are focusing on reading here at ASC. As such, we have created a new program that will help us focus on reading and reading comprehension!

This week was our kickoff and it has been a great success.

Restructuring our schedule allows kids to:

Buddy read (K, 4, 5),

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Read by themselves (3rd)


Read with leaders (1 and 2)


This will allow kids to have more time for focused reading without overloading them during learning centers!

A Rainy Pumpkin Walk

One of the amazing things about Logan is the great activities that are readily available. We at ASC love these opportunities. On Monday we got to attend one of these neat experiences- The Pumpkin Walk! It started off like any other beautiful fall day, sunny and 67 degrees. We quickly told the kids to board the bus and leave anything that would be too much to carry. As we arrived the kids became excited- after all, a fifteen-minute bus ride feels like an eternity.


This picture reflects most of the kids faces as we began… about two minutes after this picture was taken the first bang of thunder shook the hay bales. The smiles started to turn into giggles and screams as it suddenly began to downpour.

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We did not let that ruin our fun! We finished the walk and returned to Bridger.

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It was a memorable experience to say the least.

Pickelball at ASC

A group at USU contacted us here at ASC a couple of weeks ago asking if we would be interested in letting the kids learn how to play Pickleball. We love the opportunity to teach our kids something new! So, we jumped on the offer. Last Friday a group of 15 students came and taught the 3rd-5th graders how to play the classic game.


This group of boys really got into the game, asking at the end if we could make it a regular activity at ASC!

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These girls rocked the doubles tournament!


This smile was on everyones face at the end of the activity! Thanks USU!