Magical Guest Speaker

We had the privilege of having a magician come visit us at ASC!

Magician Himself .JPG

He came to speak to Kindergarten through Second Grade. He talked about the history of magic, the resources available at the library, the code of honor, and respect he has for himself and others.

Magician with aiyanna .JPG
Magician trick- blanket .JPG
Magician doing tricks .JPG
Magician trick- chains.JPG

He did quite a few tricks while speaking to the students. The kids got to participate in almost all of them! Their shock and awe was more fun to watch than the tricks themselves!

Magician- Joshua and gadriel .JPG
Magician- Israel surprised .JPG
Magician- Isaiah Surprised.JPG

The students had a great time watching the magician perform fun tricks. They learned about hobbies and resources available to them through the library. It was practical and fun! Perfect for this age group. We love guest speakers!