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Thank you for your interest in Lincoln Charter; we continue to be very proud of our school. We could report outstanding test scores and accolades or we could describe the family atmosphere and the attention to character values, but until you actually visit LCS, until you talk with members of the faculty and staff, until you see the faces of the children in the classrooms, you will not truly appreciate all that Lincoln Charter School has to offer.

Please accept my invitation to personally visit the school and to sense and experience all that is Lincoln Charter School.

Jonathan Bryant, Chief Administrator  

@LCS_JBryant on Twitter


State of Lincoln Charter 2021

View this year's presentation regarding the "State of Lincoln Charter" here.


Mission Statement

The mission of Lincoln Charter School is to facilitate the development of college ready individuals through emphasis on rigorous academics and our community expectations: honesty, respect, empathy, responsibility, service and preparedness.


School Profile

What defines Lincoln Charter School?

  • Family friendly, small school environment for students in elementary through high school (K-12)

  • Tuition-free public school serving Lincoln, Catawba, Gaston, Iredell, Mecklenburg and surrounding counties

  • Sponsors a lunch program

  • Encourages and recognizes the importance of parental involvement



Lincoln Charter expects the best from our teachers/staff, students, families, and community. To this end, we have implemented the programs detailed in the following:

  • Character - LCS expects  certain character traits to be exhibited by our community members. These expectations are displayed in all classrooms, K-12.

  • Academics - Lincoln Charter holds our students to a high academic standard, by following Student and Accountability Standards as well as an Academic Integrity Policy

  • Discipline - LCS implements School Board-approved Code of Conduct and Dress Code policies.

  • Service - Lincoln Charter documents service hours throughout each student's tenure at LCS via the Learn.Serve.Engage. Program. Students in all grades (K-12) must meet minimum service hour requirements annually.


Equal Opportunity Notice

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture
policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race,
color, national origin, age, disability, religion, sex, familial status, sexual
orientation, and reprisal. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs).

To file a complaint of discrimination, write to:
USDA, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Stop 9410
Washington, DC 20250-9410

Or call toll-free at (866) 632-9992 (English) or (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or
(866) 377-8642 (English Federal-relay) or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish
Federal-relay). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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