Succeeding in High School

Students can get the most out of high school and be successful by following these tips. Links to resources and websites are in red.

Step 1: Know What Classes You Need to Graduate

Students can use the graduation requirements links below to access their plans to graduate. Students should see their counselor to ask questions and to discuss plans.

For students entering grade 9 in 2014-15 and thereafter:
Foundation + Endorsement Graduation Plans

Step 2: Know How to Get Good Grades

Usually students want to do better in school but do not know where to begin. First, students need to be in school every day. Regular attendance is essential to getting good grades.

Next, click on these topics and tips for setting goals, study techniques, time management, test preparation, reducing test anxiety, and organization skills for help. The information includes approaches and suggestions for students to improve in school.

Students can also get help on their assignments by attending tutorials with their teachers or going to Ranger Success Center Tutorials. They can also use the Homework Help section of the THS Library web page.

To look for help on other websites that contain study skills information, please click on the links in right hand column.

Step 3: Get Involved

Students who are involved in activities do better academically, and they also enjoy high school more. Activities provides students with the opportunity to...

  • Spend more time with friends and meet new people
  • Feel more connected to school
  • Provide a valuable service
  • Become a leader
  • Relieve stress
  • Have activities that look good on job and college applications
  • Have fun

Step 4: Plan and Prepare for a Career

When making decisions about your future, you want to have idea of what your interests are and what careers you would like to pursue. When you are aware of what you want to accomplish in the future, it helps to give you a purpose for the classes you are taking in high school.

Students can use the college and career search provided by LCISD for high school students: NAVIANCE. Every THS student has access to Naviance to search about interests, career choices, and colleges. For first time log in access see the College/Career Facilitator in College/Career Center.

Other website links are available for your searches listed in the right hand column.

Step 5: Practice for College and Your Future

Everything you are doing now in high school prepares you for college and your future. The level of classes you take, what electives you choose, being involved in activities, and practice for college testing are all factors in what colleges and jobs will consider.

  1. Academic Record: The single most important credential in your folder is your academic record. All four years of high school matter. The schedule of courses taken throughout your career will receive close scrutiny by admissions officers, and semester grades are included in your GPA and rank that is used for admissions.
  2. Extracurricular Activities: These activities both at high school and outside of school play a role in the admissions process. Colleges frequently state they look for students who will make a significant contribution to the college community. You want to show that you are a well rounded student who will be involved. You can get involved in THS orgranizations and use Naviance to search for outside leadership and summer programs.
  3. College Entrance Exam Scores: The SAT/ACT college entrance exams are important. Four year colleges usually require minimum scores on one of the exams to be admitted into college. Scholarships require minimum scores too. The more practice on these types of timed tests will benefit you. Students will take PSAT in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade, can attend LCISD Prep Courses, and complete free practice tests on websites for before taking the SAT/ACT tests.