- Kiona-Benton City Middle School
- Boys Soccer
I'm looking for...
Principal: Chuck Feth
A.D.: Vance Wing
Boys Soccer
Head Coach: Debbie Alexander Assistant Coach: Barb Nelson-ThomasDebbie Alexander is the coach of the 7th and 8th grade Soccer team. She can be reached by phone at 588-2116 or by email dalexander@kibesd.org.
Barb Nelson-Thomas has coached soccer for many years and will be our Assistant Coach if the numbers of student athletes is sufficient. She can be reached at 588-2090 and they will forward you to her classroom.The Boy's Soccer schedule can be found at scacconference.orgDue to fluctuating weather conditions in the spring, please consider signing up for email updates on the schedule page. You can get up to the minute updates emailed to you as the schedule changes.The soccer schedule can be found at http://86283.digitalsports.com/pages/schedule/?aggTeamId=1377359 .
Last Modified on January 13, 2014