- Kiona-Benton City Middle School
- Girls Basketball
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2017 Girls Basketball Schedule
Girls Basketball
Kiona-Benton Middle School fields 3 middle school teams. Separate 7th grade, 8th grade, and a combined 7th-8th grade C team. Mike Christensen is the Head Coach, he oversees the middle school basketball program. Questions or concerns regarding basketball should start with him. He can be reached by email at mchristensen@kibesd.org . The 7th grade B team coach will be Tracy King, and the 7/8 C team will be coached by Lisa Stade.
The teams usually travel together and play back to back games with the 7th grade and C games starting at 4 PM followed by the 8th grade.Practice for the 2017 season begins on Wednesday, January 4th, 2017. Students should check with the office to determine their clearance status.
Last Modified on January 4, 2017