• Community Support Services: Support Groups

    Al-Anon/Alateen – (free) For families of a chemically dependent person. Meets Thursdays at the Lutheran Church on Highway 395, Kennewick. 545-2720; or 783-6108

    Compassionate Friends – (free) Offers friendship and support to bereaved parents who have experienced the death of a child. Meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Kennewick Baptist Church, 2425 W Albany. Call Eileen Knight, 943-9340.

    Divorce Support Group – Offered through CUP, Richland. 943-1143 Extension 110.

    Families Anonymous – (free) Support for parents/family members of chemically dependent children. Meets Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. at the Central United Protestant Church, Room 304, Richland. Call LaVerne Sloppy at 586-0390.

    Grief Support Group – Offered through CUP, Richland. 943-1143 Extension 110.