
  • Equity Analysis Protocol

    (Download a printable PDF of this document here)


    Our Kiona – Benton City School District (KBSD) community defines equity as: fair, just and inclusive educational access and experience for all students.

    This definition commits us to identifying and addressing barriers and unhealthy cultures so that student belonging, participation and achievement is maximized. Focusing our equity lens on access allows us to ensure our students’ educational experiences are fully realized, with careful and deliberate consideration to individual dignity, needs and circumstances.

    Kiona – Benton City School District equity commitments

    • Standing up to injustice with school environments that are inclusive, respectful and tolerant, and confronting behaviors or actions by students, staff or guests that may be in conflict with these beliefs
    • Ensuring a faculty and School Board that is both trained and implements antiracist, culturally competent instructional environments and experiences
    • Teaching respect and acceptance through socially just learning curricula for students
    • Intentionally broadening our equity outreach by creating a culture where all stakeholders have a seat, a voice and a responsibility for change
    • Prioritizing the diversity of our workforce through recruitment, retention and “growing our own” strategies
    • Intentionally addressing equity when making program, curriculum and resourcing decisions
    • Guaranteeing dignified and equitable family engagement that ensures resources, communication and outreach is provided in languages, materials and manners that maximize the school-to-home relationship
    • Removing all barriers that overtly or covertly inhibit student belonging, participation and prosperity in their academic, athletic/activity and beyond-high-school plans

    About the Protocol

    The KBSD Equity Analysis Protocol was developed to ensure explicit and intentional review when considering policies, programs or initiatives. According to Nelson and Brooks (2016), equity protocols provide a mechanism by which to:

    • eliminate inequities and advance equity
    • identify clear goals, objectives and measurable outcomes
    • engage community in decision-making processes
    • identify who will benefit or be burdened by a given decision by examining and mitigating potential unintended consequences
    • develop mechanisms for successful implementation and evaluation of impact

    Critical Reflection and Analysis

    To prepare for critical reflection and analysis, consider the following key framing questions:

    • What is the intent behind the policy/program being reviewed? Who is left out? (USC, 2017)
    • What are taken-for-granted assumptions about who and how this policy or program will impact equity? (USC, 2017)
    • What social constructions does this policy embrace?
    • Who benefits from the way things are and who does not?
    • What actions will redress the inequities we see in our policies, practices or programs?


    Great Lakes Equity Center. (2014). Policy Equity Analysis Tool.
    Nelson, J., & Brooks, L. (2016, December). Racial Equity Toolkit: An Opportunity to Operationalize Equity.
    Government Alliance on Race and Equity.
    University of Southern California. (2017). Rossier Report:
    Protocol for Assessing Equity Mindedness. Center for Urban Education. https://cue.usc.edu/files/2017/02/CUEProtocol- Workbook-Final_Web.pdf