We ask that students arrive at school no earlier than 7:45 a.m. unless specifically requested to do so by their teacher or unless arrangements have been made through the school office. Our staff is not on duty before 8:00 a.m. to supervise students. Students arriving between 8:00 and 8:20 a.m. should go directly to their designated area. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria between 8:00 and 8:20 a.m.
Regular attendance is a major consideration in the success of students in school. As such, Joplin Schools closely monitors and works with both parents and other appropriate agencies to maintain regular attendance for all students.
What is Missouri’s compulsory attendance law?
Statute 167.031, RSMo, states that any parent, guardian or other person having custody or control of a child between the ages of seven (7) and the compulsory attendance age for the district, must ensure that the child is enrolled in and regularly attends public, private, parochial school, home school or a combination of schools for the full term of the school year. The term "compulsory attendance age for the district" shall mean seventeen (17) years of age or having successfully completed sixteen (16) credits towards high school graduation in all other cases. Children between the ages of five (5) and seven (7) are not required to be enrolled in school. However, if they are enrolled in a public school their parent, guardian or custodian must ensure that they regularly attend.
What is truancy?
Truancy is defined as students who are absent from school without the knowledge and consent of their parents/guardians and the administration, or students, who leave school during any session without the consent of the principal, shall be considered truant. Students may also be considered truant if they have accumulated excessive unjustifiable absences, even with the consent of parents/guardians.
What is an authorized absence?
Authorized reasons for being gone from school are absences that are beyond the student’s control and both the parent/legal guardian and school can confirm the “legitimacy for the absence.”
Authorized Absences require proper verification/ documentation from the parent/legal guardian the day of the absence; however, it should be noted that prior-notification is preferred. Authorized absences, like all absences (excluding school sponsored activities), count against the 9 days allowed by the policy for earning credit in the course. Unlike other absences, students may make up their work for full credit in each course if the absence is determined to be authorized.
Examples of Authorized Absences include but may not be limited to the following:
• School sponsored activities.
• Appointments with licensed practitioners who deal with dental, medical, or psychiatric problems in the event the appointment cannot be scheduled outside the school day (prior notification of the appointment maybe required in certain cases).
• Funerals or the death of a family member as verified by parent/legal guardian.
• Personal illness (parents need to notify the principal the day of the absence and no later than one day after the absence).
What charges may be filed against the student/parent as a result of unauthorized absences?
• File a “supervision case” to the Jasper/Newton County Division of Family Services.
• Referral to law enforcement so parents/guardians can be charged with a misdemeanor
• complaint with the Jasper/Newton County District Attorney’s Office for enabling or promoting truancy per Missouri State Statute.
• An infraction under Missouri State Statute may be filed against the truant child/parent.
• Referral to the Juvenile Truancy Court so the court can help remediate truancy issues with the family/student.
What penalties may be applied to the parent(s) guardian?
• Can be found guilty of a Class C misdemeanor. (Section 167.031)
• Can face fines and/or imprisonment.
What can the parent and student do to prevent prosecution?
• Parents should ensure the child attends school regularly.
• Parents should cooperate with school staff to assist in resolving any attendance problems.
• Parents should attend school staff/parent conferences requested by the school.
To be released during the school day, a student must be signed out of the office by his or her parent or legal guardian.
Any student who is moving should report to the Office, accompanied by his/her parent, prior to moving, and submit a withdrawal slip signed by the parent. Each teacher on the student’s schedule will check in the textbook, and sign and post the current grade of the student. The slip is then returned to the office before the student leaves school.