Mission and Vision
Creating a future of excellence!
The students, staff, and parents of John R. Peterson School comprise a culturally diverse community whose purpose is to work together so all students achieve a level of literacy in English Language Arts and knowledge of mathematics that enables them to meet all State Standards and interact appropriately within our diverse society. All students will demonstrate strong character and positive values while striving to attain academic excellence.
John R. Peterson School assesses its effectiveness on the basis of results rather than intentions. We will continue to cultivate a collaborative culture where learning is our fundamental purpose.
Individuals, grade level teams, and administration will regularly seek data to promote continuous improvement to ensure all students attain proficient or advanced levels on the statewide Standards assessment exams.
The school will be recognized as an inclusive community where staff, parents, administration, and business partners actively work together to assure every student’s academic, social and emotional success.
All students can learn, have an equal opportunity to learn, and deserve access to a rich instructional program in a community where students, staff, and parents know each other, and feel valued as a member of the group.
Learning is a developmental process that can best be achieved by providing exciting, active, challenging, and purposeful higher-order thinking experiences.
It is the responsibility of the staff to prepare students to participate in a culturally diverse, democratic society as an involved citizens. In that spirit, the development of decision-making skills and the nurturing of positive values and strong character will be as high a priority as strong academic achievement. We believe that one teacher can change a child’s life…and one child can change the world.
Each student is a special and unique individual who deserves to be valued and accepted.
Success comes from each staff member being committed to meeting every student’s academic, social, and emotional needs through school-wide programs that emphasize a healthy mind and body.