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    RHS Senior Contacts: 

    Monica Hagler                              Yearbook                     hagler.monica1@hcboe.us
    Melanie McEntyre                      Seniors                        

    ****New info added 4/18/23  grad supplies

    Seniors, Herff Jones will be on campus Wednesday 4/26 to deliver your Cap and Gown! We will begin calling alphabetical groups around 8:30.

    DO NOT miss your Dual Enrollment or HCCA class to pick up. If you do not owe a balance you can see Mrs. Woodham to pick up when you arrive on campus.
    If you owe a balance, you can go to gradproproducts.com to make a payment or call 334-792-2233.

    **New info added 4/5/23

    **Pick up Prom Tickets and Tshirts Wednesday 4/12 during 1st block! We will call by alphabetical groups. If you are going with another senior from RHS only the person who paid should pick up the order! Reminders about Prom are listed below: 



    Prom Information 2023



    Prom will be April 14 at Windmill Station in Dothan, AL.

    Seniors should plan on being at the venue by 6:45. We will have a short program by the Senior Class President, and we will promptly begin lining up for Leadout. Prom is from 7:00 – 10:30. If you leave the building after prom begins before 10:30 pm, you will not be allowed back in.


    **Students not dressed appropriately will not go through Leadout! Guys must be in a tux or dark suit with dress shoes. Girls must be in a formal gown with all body parts appropriately covered!!


    Leadout should begin around 7:30; as soon as the lineup is complete. In the event of rain, Leadout will be canceled. There will be no alternate plan for Leadout.

    Parents must park in the designated Parent Parking Lot and stay inside the designated area at all times during Leadout. No one viewing Leadout will be allowed outside of the viewing area for any reason. At the conclusion of Leadout all of those viewing will be required to promptly leave the venue. 


    **There will NOT be a photographer taking portraits at Prom. 

    Security police will be on hand and will give breathalyzers if any person is suspected of

    Baccalaureate is May 23, 6 pm at Rehobeth Baptist Church
    practice will be that day at 8 am

    ** New Info added 2/6/23

    *New Info added 11/29/22

    Attached is a list of all students who participated in the Prom Candy Fundraiser and the amount owed for Prom.

    If you did not sell for the fundraiser the cost to attend Prom is $100 and includes 2 tickets and 2 tshirts.
    All money is due on Tuesday January 31, 2023. Beginning Wednesday February 1, 2023 there will be a $25 late fee added to your balance.
    Prom will be held on Friday April 14 at Windmill Station in Dothan. More details will follow about arrival times, leadout, etc.
    See Mrs. Woodham if you have any questions

    RHS Yearbook Info

    Senior quotes due by September 25th to hagler.monica1@hcboe.us

    10/26 @9: Herff Jones
    11/2 @9: Herff Jones
    Senior Meeting September 16 - 9:25-10:00