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    Medication Policy

    A student non-compliant with this policy is subject to disciplinary actions as determined by the principal

    Medication Guidelines

    If possible, all medications should be administered at home. When it is necessary for medications to be given at school, the following guidelines apply:

    1. All medications, whether prescribed or over-the-counter, must be brought to school by the parents or guardian.

    2. Only medications in unopened original packaging can be accepted by the school. Please make your pharmacist aware of your need to have medicine take at school and at home. Most will provide separate packaging.

    3. If prescription pills or tablets are brought to the school, both the parent and the staff personnel designated by the principal must count them together.

    4. Students may carry and use inhalers only with physician's order.

    5. A medication can be administered at school only if Physician/Parent Authorization (PPA) to administer is on file with the school nurse. This includes prescription medications, cough drops or other over he counter products. Separate medicines requires Separate permission forms. Permissions expire at the end of the school year.

    6. A medication can be given to the child for whom it is prescribed or purchased. Pupils, even from the same family, may not share medications.

    7. Medications not picked up by the last day of the school or which go out of date during the school year will be destroyed. Prescription medications must be counted, measured and destroyed in the presence of at least two school staff members.

    8. Strengths, dosages, and methods of administration of over-the-counter medicines must be appropriate for pupil's age, weight, and condition.

    School personnel are permitted only to use soap and water to clean cuts and abrasions. They may not use peroxide, alcohol or other antiseptics.
