• National Beta Club

    Middle School Eligibility 

    1.  Any students who will be considered for membership in the Junior Beta Club must have an “A” (90 and above) average at year-end in all subjects.  This will not be a cumulative average of those subjects.
    2. Students who meet this 90 and above average criteria will then be vetted by the middle school faculty and will receive a rating based upon character, academics, citizenship, service, and leadership.  This rating must also be exemplary for a student to be considered for membership in Junior Beta Club (90 points or higher).
    3. Once a student has passed to this level in the process he/she will be invited to participate in a four-minute personal interview in which communication skills, poise, and basic Beta knowledge will be the criteria for admission into the club.
    4. After students are inducted into the club, they must maintain an “A” average (90 and above).  Any student who makes a “B” in any subject will be considered to be on probation for a period determined by the sponsors of the club.  If a student drops below “B” status and does not improve during the probationary period, he will be dismissed from the club.
    5. Beta members who receive disciplinary referrals will be brought up before a disciplinary board of conduct for review and may be dismissed or placed on probation. Each case will be reviewed as needed, but ANY cheating or plagiarism will be grounds for immediate dismissal. Class two referrals or higher will determined by the disciplinary committee. Please keep in mind that repeat cell phone offenders are subject to becoming a level 2 or higher offense.
    6. Students must be enrolled at Rehobeth Middle School for at least one calendar month prior to being considered for induction. At that time, he/she will be required to have met the same qualifications as other members. This rule is waived for students who are ALREADY BETA MEMBERS AND TRANSFERRING IN FROM ANOTHER SCHOOL/SYSTEM.