Our School Nurse

Amanda Rainey BSN, RN

Nurse Amanda

Nurse's Notes


    In light of reported cases of coronavirus being in neighboring states, Houston County Schools has asked us to share the following information with students and parents to inform about the coronavirus.

    • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20-30 seconds.
    • Do not touch your face.
    • Limit attendance in large crowds and travel.
    • Do not shake hands with others.
    • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or sleeve.
    • Stay home when sick.
    • Clean frequently touched surfaces and high use areas of your home or office with clorox spray.
    • Do not wipe areas with the same towel or wipe.
    • Stay at least 3 feet away from people that are coughing or sneezing.
    • If you develop a cough or fever, seek medical attention early.

    Please be mindful of any and all precautions to take during this time.


    For more information, please visit the Centers for Disease Control website here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.


    COVID Protocol 02.25.2021

    COVID Contact Letter

    WHS COVID Letter

    Stop the Spread of Germs

    Who Goes Home

    Parent Checklist



    Comments (-1)

Program Goals

    • Reduce students' health-related absenteeism
    • Eliminate or minimize health problems that impair learning
    • Reduce or prevent health problems through education
    • Help students to achieve the highest degree of independent functioning
    • Assist with referrals and screenings

Program Principles

    •  Every child is entitled to a level of health that permits maximum utilization of educational opportunities.
    • Parents have the basic responsibility for the health of their children. School nurses work in partnership with parents and physicians in providing health services to their children/patients while in school.
    • The appropriate roles of the nurse in the school health program include delivery of health services, advocacy for the rights of children, counselor for health concerns of children, families, and staff and educator for school/community health concerns.