



About Me:

  • I am very excited to be the Principal of Wicksburg High School. This is a special place where my career in education began in 2006.

    I was the head baseball coach and Mathematics teacher from 2006-2018. During that time, I taught all levels of Mathematics from 7th grade through 12th. I was the Assistant Principal from 2019-2021.

    I am a 2001 graduate of G.W. Long High School. In 2006, I graduated from Troy University with a B.S. in Mathematics Education. During my time in Troy, I was a member of the baseball team. In 2013, I obtained my Masters in Educational Leadership.

    I am married to Kristen Hyde, who teaches 2nd Grade at Wicksburg Elementary. We have two children who also attend Wicksburg Schools, Grant (7th grade) and Parker (6th grade).