

Degrees and Certifications:

2005 - Auburn University - B.A. Communication with minor in Art History 2012 - Troy University Dothan - M.S. Elementary Education

Mrs. Erin Merrill

Hi!  I’m Erin Merrill!  

I attended Auburn University and graduated in 2005 with a B.A. in Communication and minor in Art History.  After having children,  I decided to go back to school and get a M.S. in Elementary Education from TSUD. This is my 9th year teaching and my second year in 5th grade!  I love being part of this team and teaching Math/Science/History.  I also like to add in art whenever I can :). 

In my spare time I enjoy reading, running, and painting.  I am married and have 2 children who also attend Rehobeth Schools.  Carolyn is in 10th grade and Cowdery is in 8th.  We have 2 dogs (Lily and Frida) and a horse (Willow).  We are so happy to be a part of this amazing and supportive community.