

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Tina L. Allen

Tina Allen
2nd Grade
B.S. Elementary Education

Hello! My name is Tina Allen. I am currently a second grade teacher at Rehobeth Elementary School. I want to take the opportunity to tell you a little about myself.

I attended Auburn University and Troy State University Dothan, earning a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. Shortly after, I taught at a local alternative school. I am happy for the time that I spent there because it taught me a lot about all types of learning styles, personalities, and how to deal with them all. I gained experiences that I will carry with me throughout my career as well as my personal life. I taught there for three years.

The following year I started as a Title I tutor here at Rehobeth Elementary School. I guess I did a pretty good job because I was offered a position in second grade starting the next school term. I've been here ever since! 

I look forward to teaching your child this year. Teaching has always been my passion. I want to instill a lifelong love of learning in each and every child that I have the honor of teaching. This year is going to be AWESOME!

Contact Information:


phone: 334-677-3838 

other forms of communication: Bloomz app; reach out to me for the class code.