• Rehobeth Elementary School BETA Club

    Membership Qualifications & Requirements

    (4th and 5th Grades ONLY)

    1. Students will qualify for “tapping” into Beta Club based on the status of ALL A HONOR ROLL at the conclusion of each school year AND a score of 90 or higher on the character/behavior evaluation. This requires that the student maintained an A average in all classes for the entire school year and was recognized for All A’s at the year-end Honor’s Day Program. Their grades are also re-evaluated when progress reports are issued after the first FOUR weeks of the following grade level. The character/behavior evaluation form is to be completed by their most recent classroom teacher at the conclusion of the same school year as considered above and is also reviewed by their current teachers the following school year, the Beta Club Committee, and our school’s administration. A Honor Roll is equal to 50% of the qualification score and the character/behavior form is equal to the other 50% of the qualification score.
    2. Students MUST ALSO have been a student (ON CAMPUS) at Rehobeth Elementary School for one WHOLE school year prior to their qualifying year.
    3. The Beta Club sponsors, Beta Committee, and school administration will review the list of students who qualify for “tapping” and determine who the new inductees will be for the coming year based on the requirements listed in #1 and #2 above.
    4. Students who are “tapped” will be formally inducted into membership in the Rehobeth Elementary School Beta Club. In order to maintain active membership in “good standing” the members must maintain the following requirements:
    • Grades will be assessed after each 9 weeks grading period in which all members should have a cum average of 92 or higher in English, Math, Reading, Spelling, Science, and Social Studies that are A’s and B’s only.
    • Any student who’s cum average is below 92 or has a grade average of C or below in any subject will be placed on “academic probation” for the next grading period in which they will be encouraged to bring their grades back up.                                                
    • After a period of “academic probation” if the student fails to bring their grade up to A’s and B’s only and does not have a cum average of 92 or higher they will be dismissed from Beta Club membership. A member is only allowed ONE probationary period per charter. If their grades drop a second time they will immediately be removed from membership in the club.
    • Other ways that a student would lose their “good standing” active membership status includes disciplinary referrals, ISS, alternative school, and any other situations that may be deemed inappropriate conduct and/or representation for a Beta Club member. In this case the Beta Sponsors, Beta Advisory Committee, and school administrators would address the situation and deem what is appropriate for the student’s active status.
    1. Please be advised that the Rehobeth Elementary School Beta Club is an independent charter of the National Beta Club.  While we work closely with the Rehobeth Middle School Beta Club, we are separated by the National Beta Club Divisions. The Rehobeth Middle School Beta Club Charter has its own set of eligibility requirements.  A student’s active membership in the Rehobeth Elementary School Beta Club Charter does NOT roll over into automatic membership in the Rehobeth Middle School Beta Club Charter. When a Beta leaves Division 1 (elementary) and goes into Division 2 (middle school) they must meet the new charter eligibility and be re-tapped for membership.
    2. RES Beta Club members will be encouraged to keep a log of their “club service”. This means that each time we participate in an activity or service project in which our Beta Club members provide assistance, the students will be encouraged to write down the activity and the time frame in which they worked. There is no minimum time/service hours requirement, however the RES Beta Sponsors will periodically check our members “service log” to see if they are actively participating in club service projects. We feel that this will encourage our Betas to be organized and responsible, as well as provide them with the opportunity to look back at what they have accomplished in both service and leadership at RES!