

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Sean Sanders

Hi!!!!! My name is Sean Sanders. I am the band director and fine arts teacher at Houston County High School. Currently, I teach 7th Grade Beginning Band, 8th Grade Intermediate Band, and Advanced Concert/Marching Band. Occasionally I will teach a Visual Arts and/or calligraphy class for grades 9-12. 



I earned my Bachelor of Music degree and a minor in biology from the University of Montevallo. French Horn was my primary instrument, but I also studied the flute, clarinet, percussion, and voice under university faculty. As an undergraduate, I performed with the University Wind Ensemble, Horn Ensemble and performed in and conducted the College Night Gold Orchestra numerous times. I was also active in the biology department, focusing on herpetology, chiropterology, orchidology, and parasitology. I co-authored articles published in major scientific journals such as The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Sciences and The Journal of Applied Aquaculture with my major professor and several fellow students.


I began my teaching career in 1997 with music education and biology and came to HCHS as the band director in July 2003. 


I am passionate about numerous hobbies and interests; among them are woodturning, herpetoculture, aviculture, orchid culture, and passionflower culture. I keep over 100 pet turtles of many different species, around or more than that number of birds, including many different species of parrot, dove, finch, pigeon, quail, and chicken, snakes, various rodents, spiders, lizards, roaches, many different orchids, passion flowers, and a variety of pepper called a ‘Madame Jeanette’ or Surinam Yellow- in my opinion, the most flavorful hot pepper. I can make a mean batch of salsa!