HHS Speech





Taught by: Sandra Quintero



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Speech Syllabus:

Goals of this Course:

   Students will become familiar with all types of public speeches and how public speaking makes a difference in lives, have an opportunity to participate in at least two competitive speech tournaments, study the appreciation and history of the theatre, learn the process by which a production cast creates a performance, and participate in performances as a class.


1) Participate daily in discussions and activities.

2) Be prepared for assigned speeches as well as activities.

3) Attend a Speech Demo Day in September

4) Participate in the Fall and Spring performances

5) Be available to work after school or evening to prepare for contest/productions.

**Parents and students should be aware that grades are earned and are given for mandatory after school practices for contests and performance productions**




2020-2021 MEMBERS

AJ Hernandez

Jaidan Bingham-Millss

Amarian Norris

Jake Holt

Ay'din Moyer-Frazer

Jayden Murray

Cameron Smith

Jonathan Mills-Barela

Chris Bingham

Josh Heard

Colton Kelly

Kanasia Elix

Daniel Holmes

Kayla Kerley

Darak Whitson

Kylie Bashant

Deeanna Whitson

Madison Scallion

Destiny Brown

Nariah Norris

Devyn Lenard

Reina Cousin

Dhruv Ghandi

Ria Govind

Doriana Garza

Sasha Coffin

                             Gabbi Miles                               Skitasia Norris
                              Gabbie Valentine-Bigger                            Sophair Scallion
                           Hannah Sandefur                              Trinity Eschiti

Haylee Mitchell

Xanna Lankford



Updated by: Zell Freeman 2-5-21