Jul 20, 2020 | GTA News
The live stream is accessible if you log in through Google using your student’s school email account. stream.meet.google.com/stream/5f74113f-1390-4fe9-b340-29d0e72b1c32 Here is the...
May 19, 2020 | GTA News
Dear GTA Families, I am appreciative and excited to join the GTA family of Griffin High School, Griffin Middle School, MIT Academy High School, and Mare Island Tech Academy Middle School. It is an honor to work with the staff and families that have produced these...
Feb 13, 2020 | GTA News
All stakeholders, including students, parents, staff, and community are welcome to contribute to the development, implementation, periodic review, and update of the local school wellness policy. The GTA wellness policy is available for review on our Food...