August 3, 2023

Greetings Parents and Families of Germantown Jr./Sr. High School,

I hope that you have been able to relax over the summer and spend time with those close to you. We are very excited about the 2023-2024 school year, and with our continued work to make sure each student has the opportunity to engage in challenging academic work and enrichment activities in a safe and supportive environment. 


We will be holding a new student / 7th grade orientation on September 6 at 1:00 p.m. This will give all new students and those entering the junior high the opportunity to meet their teachers, see their schedules and use their lockers. Parents are welcome to accompany their children. 

Parent Portal

Please log in to the parent portal to see your child’s schedule. There will also be an area where you can update the emergency contact information.


We have altered our schedule. Fifth period will be a FLEX period for all students. They will have an assigned location, but then will be able to meet with their class advisors, participate in clubs, get extra help, attend assemblies, and many other activities that we traditionally tried to have after the regular school day. We believe this will lead to increased participation in these events. Due to this change, the school day for students in grades 7-12 will begin at 8:17 a.m. Students will be considered tardy if they arrive at their first period class after 8:17 a.m. The bus schedule will stay the same, and students may still enter the building at 7:45 a.m. to have breakfast.


Additionally, we are adding Integrated Co-Teaching to our varied models of instruction. This is to ensure greater access and opportunities for all students. In select classes, there will be a Special Education and General Education Teacher to support all of our students. Please click here to see the description.


We have also increased our sections for Academic Intervention Services. If your child failed a core course last year (Science, English, Math or Social Studies) and we were not able to schedule AIS, please consider having them stay after school for tutoring. We are planning on offering tutoring Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30-5:30 p.m. and on Tuesday from 4:00-6:00 p.m. 

Forms/Handbooks/Instructional Materials

We have a few other updates to make sure everyone is prepared for this year. The required forms (acceptable use, emergency, etc.) will be available both electronically and in hard copy. During the first week of school, we will review the student handbook with all students. This is also available online. If you would like a printed copy sent to you, please fill out this form. Insurance for the Chromebooks, which are issued to each student in grades 7-12, is purchased by the district. Information regarding charges for lost or broken instructional supplies is included. 


One of our district goals is to improve attendance. We have included our district attendance policy here. Please note the section that indicates students may lose credit for chronic absenteeism.

Open House 

A school open house will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 21. This is an opportunity to meet teachers and hear about the expectations and curriculum in each class. I hope that you can all attend, and I look forward to seeing you there.

Any further questions can be directed to the school’s main office, at extension 2311. We are here to help and look forward to partnering with you to make your child’s educational experience successful.


Stacy D. Hilton, Principal
(518) 537-6281 ext. 2311