Greetings Parents and Families of Germantown Jr/Sr High School,

I hope that you are enjoying your summer and are as excited as I am about the upcoming school year. We are all looking forward to beginning the school year, and for each and every student to reach his or her full potential.

Included in this mailing is important information for the upcoming school year. The school data form must be returned to the main office by Monday, September 12th. This information is used for emergencies. Second is information regarding insurance for the brand-new Chromebooks which will be issued during the first week of school. The insurance is purchased through an on-line vendor. It is imperative that you enroll, accidents happen, and this protects students against accidents and breakage. If you decide to forgo the insurance the replacement cost for a Chromebook is about $400.00. There is a form that must be returned informing us of your decision. Lastly, there is a computer device rules and information page. Please read this carefully as it has valuable information.

This upcoming school year we will be focusing on student achievement. What this means is that we want every child to achieve to his or her highest potential. The number one determiner of this is attendance. Students need to be here every day possible, on time and ready to learn. Much of the education that your child will receive as they move through the school year is cumulative. This means that missing school means missing valuable information or building blocks that are essential in understanding and learning. We have high hopes for our Germantown students and want only the very best for them.

During the first week of school your child(ren) will receive an updated student handbook. Contained is information about restorative practices and students’ rights and responsibilities. Also included is information about attendance, which can be found on pages 34-38. We will be strictly adhering to the Board of Education’s policy regarding attendance this school year. Students who miss more than 10 days in a half year class or 19 days in a full year class may be subject to losing credit for that class. Please read over the handbook with your child(ren) when it is issued. There are also important documents that can be found in the back of the handbook that must be signed and returned to the school’s main office.

A school open house will be held at 6 PM on Wednesday, September 21st. This is an opportunity to meet your child(rens’) teachers and hear about the expectations and curriculum in each class. I hope that you can all attend, and I look forward to seeing you there.

Any further questions can be directed to the school’s main office at extension 2311. We are here to help and look forward to working with you all to offer the best education available.


James DiDonna