Dear Parents/Guardians of 7th Graders,

I would like to welcome you and your son or daughter to the Germantown Middle School. We operate similarly to the elementary school in the fact that we are easy to reach and are always willing to work with families to offer the best small-school education available. Karyn Schassler will continue to be their guidance counselor and point person for any concerns or issues that you or students may have regarding classes and general well-being.

On Thursday, September 1st, between 8 and 3 pm, 7th grade students may visit the middle/high school. It is recommended that parents accompany their child. During the visit, please stop up in the main office to receive your child’s schedule, locker information and drop off the completed data form included in this mailing. Also included in this mailing is information regarding insurance for the new Chromebook that your son or daughter will receive the first week of school. It is highly recommended that you purchase the insurance through the on-line vendor. Accidents happen, and this is an excellent way to safeguard against receiving a bill for a damaged computer. If you have any questions regarding insurance, please contact the main office.

This upcoming school year we will be focusing on student achievement. What this means is that we want every child to achieve to his or her highest potential. The number one determiner of this is attendance. Students need to be here every day possible and on time and ready to learn. Much of the education that your child will receive as they move up through the middle and high school is cumulative. This means that missing school means missing valuable information or building blocks that are essential in understanding and learning. We have high hopes for our Germantown students and want only the very best for them.

One last important date for the fall is an Open House on September 21st at 6 PM. This is an opportunity for you to meet your child’s teachers and listen to all the great things that they will learn and do this upcoming school year. I hope that you are enjoying your summer and am as excited as I am for the new school year to begin. Please contact the main office at extension 2311 if you have any questions, or concerns, or if there is anything you would like us to be aware of.


James DiDonna