Drama Club Presents Matilda March 25-27

This Friday-Sunday (March 25-27), the Germantown Drama Club presents Matilda! Come out and support all of our students in grades 5-12 who are involved in this production, both onstage and behind-the-scenes! Purchase tickets in advance at...

COVID-19 Update: March 3, 2022

PDF Dear Families:Late Tuesday night, the New York State Department of Health released new COVID guidance for school districts and BOCES across the state. This included an FAQ. School superintendents met with county departments of health yesterday to discuss the...

Masks to Become Optional on March 2

At a press conference this afternoon, the Governor announced the end of the mask mandate in schools, effective Wednesday, March 2. She cited declining metrics for making this decision, including a decrease in COVID cases and hospitalizations, as well as...