C-GCC Financial Aid Night

Columbia-Greene Community College will be hosting a virtual Financial Aid night on October 12 at 6:30 pm! Join Zoom Meeting here: https://questar-org.zoom.us/j/93467239149?pwd=Tmp2N2lvSXhrTlp3QlJaSFFROEUvUT09 Meeting ID: 934 6723 9149Passcode:...

Senior Ceiling Tiles Installed

The Senior Ceiling Tiles of the Class of 2021 have been installed! Numerous students of the Class of 2021 contributed to the tradition of painting a ceiling tile to leave their artistic mark on Germantown CSD. Senior Ceiling Tiles are displayed in the High School...

Emergency BOE Meeting on Oct. 6

There will be an emergency Board of Education meeting on Wednesday, October 6, at 6:30 p.m. This meeting will be held via Zoom. To attend, click here. Meeting ID: 995 5795 4702Passcode: 041123One tap mobile+16468769923,,99557954702#,,,,*041123# US (New York) Dial by...