On Friday, June 23, Germantown Central School District’s Class of 2023 celebrated the District’s 100th Annual Commencement, and its first in its new auditorium. The graduation address was given by Mr. Timothy Teaney.

Find photos from graduation on the District’s Facebook page. Congratulations to the 28 graduates in the Class of 2023, including:

  • Brady Barr
  • Ayla Brehse
  • Olivia Boruta
  • Marissa Cidras
  • Julia Clevenger
  • Noah Coon
  • Jasmine Decker
  • Haley D’Souza
  • Brianna Edwards
  • Sophia Erling
  • Katelyn Farewell
  • Connor Flandreau
  • Arianna Foster
  • Zoe Fox
  • Lucas Hoffman
  • Hunter Kilmer
  • William Marino
  • Il Kwon Marsal
  • Nathaniel McCarthy
  • Mason Miller
  • Hailey Morrison
  • Fiona Myers
  • Finnegan Peterson
  • Lydia Robertson
  • Amara Sickles
  • Harrison Southard
  • Dylan Wambach
  • Audrey Winden