February 9, 2022
Parents, Staff, and Community Members,
Today, Governor Hochul announced that, while the indoor mask mandate for business will end tomorrow, masks will still be required in certain settings, including schools. The Governor also indicated that test kits will be sent to students prior to the winter break (for use prior to returning to school on Monday, February 28). These test kits will be sent home with students prior to break.
In early March, the state will make an assessment on mask protocols in schools based on the latest metrics. This includes cases per 100K, percent positivity, hospital admissions, pediatric hospitalizations, vaccinations, and global trends. The state is currently drafting proposed guidelines (if the mask mandate were to end) based on feedback from state education groups.
Earlier this week, school superintendents throughout our BOCES region sent a letter to New York State Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett advocating for the DOH to work with our school districts to chart a clear path forward. The full letter can be viewed here.
Thank you for your consistent and flexible understanding as we navigate these multiple changes that have occurred throughout this pandemic.
Professionally Yours,
Benjamin Bragg
Superintendent of Schools
Germantown Central School Distric
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