Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate from Galena High School students are required to complete all of the following subjects and credit requirements set by the Galena R-II Board of Education:

Required Subjects:
Communication Arts: 4 Credits
     All students are required to take English I, English II, Communication Arts and English III

Math: 3 Credits
     All students are required to take Algebra I OR Algebra Foundations

Science: 3 Credits
     All Students are required to take Physical Science and Biology I (Students may earn 1 science credit by completing 3 units from the following Agriculture classes: Ag I/II, Greenhouse/Landscaping, Agribusiness, Plant/Animal Science, Ag Structures/Mechanics, Veterinary Tech)

​Social Studies​: 3 Credits
​     All students are required to take US History I and American Government

​Fine Art​: 1 Credit

​Practical Art​: 1 Credit

​Physical Education​: 1 Credit

​Personal Finance​: 1/2 Credit

​Health​: 1/2 Credit

​Electives​: 9 Credits